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Green screen modernization and
revamping for web browser

From legacy green screens
To modern and user-friendly interfaces
with Smart Publishing Advanced
Test the difference !

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Bullet point WHY ?

Trends in UI and UX designs emphasize the need to modernize the mainframe green screens.

Improved ergonomics, web compatibility and user journey mean better adoption and workflow efficiency.

Bullet point WHAT ?

Smart Publishing offers a simple interface design revamping

from simple HTML automatic screen conversion to elaborate and customized display for increased added-value and enhanced user experience.

Bullet point HOW ?

Smart Publishing offers a set of Servlets, JSP, JavaScript, Jquery, Ajax.

Other technologies like Angular can be implemented upon request. The REST API SMPaaS to create the relevant Web Services is available in the Mainframe Integrator Suite.
Configurable modules (web.xml, Smart configuration files, adaptation of JSPs,…) are also delivered with the Mainframe Integrator Suite.

Still relying on the mainframe kinematics, green screens are revamped from the same JSP template (1 for n mode) or from a specific JSP template for each screen (1 to 1 mode).

Main features:

 ?Display a screen in automatic mode (same than mainframe screen)
 ?Apply a set of rules in automatic mode to improve user interface
 ?Perform a specific display for a particular screen
 ?Automate/hide part of the navigation from the user using an AccessObject

You may then enrich the application by setting additional parameters that will be triggered
upon receipt of pre-defined screens (anchors) e.g.:

 ?Forward of a defined revamping JSP,
 ?Forward on a defined Servlet,
 ?Execution of an AccessObject

Example of AccessObject designed with Enterprise Studio and used in a Smart Publishing application to automate / hide part of the Mainframe navigation.