Connect your mainframe applications
with innovation

A powerful middleware solution to
modernize your legacy applications

Bullet point WHY ?

IBM i and IBM z mainframes are undoubtedly powerful and reliable.

Yet, the core business applications developed decades ago are no longer suited for today’s requirements nor for tomorrow’s innovations.

Issues are piling up: maintenance, regulations, cybersecurity, mobility, UX/UI, technical debt…all made worse by the lack of skilled developers able to untangle layers of spaghetti legacy COBOL or RPG codes.

When the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is rising, it is time to start the modernization journey!

Bullet point WHAT ?

Mainframe Integrator Suite is a mature and efficient connectivity solution to modernize legacy mainframe systems (IBM z, IBM i and Unix) and easily integrate new technologies and uses: SOA, RPA, IA, smartphones and pads, HTML5 Responsive Design, Bootstrap / AngularJS, REST APIs & Web Services,Voice Assistants.

Mainframe Integrator Suite makes it easier for developers to embrace a DevOps culture by integrating Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery approaches.

Deploy new technologies while capitalizing on your long-term investments and harnessing the power of your mainframe!


Modernization blanc


modernization of applications without changing the source code

No components blanc


to install on the mainframe

Automatic generation blanc


of documentation with screenshots



of application in a few hours

Continuous Integration blanc


thanks to APIs for automated testing
in RPA plaforms (UiPath,…)


Major players in the insurance, banking, industry and public services trust us worldwide




Innovation department in a major insurance group
Revamping a Cobol application on an iPad tablet and integration with SalesForce CRM with SSO and multi-session. The framework front-end is implemented in Angular JS.


● Reduced time-to-market for excellent customer satisfaction
● A moderate budget


● 92% savings compared to a full
rewrite (80k EUR instead of 1M EUR)
● delivery in just 3 months,
instead of 2 years for a full rewrite

A full range of technical modules and Web Services for a successful modernization project:

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Technical modules
Enterprise Studio
Graphic design IDE for Java and mainframe developers
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Smart Publishing & Smart Publishing Advanced
Green screen modernization and revamping for web browser
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Access Object
Workflow modernization
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Call of external Web Services from COBOL and RPG mainframes
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Direct access to legacy business logic to develop Java applications
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MXi Wrappers
Modernization of IBM i legacy applications using latest programming languages: Delphi, .Net, Java, Python, Ruby, PhP, Node.js, C/C++
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MIS Logo (zOS)-neg MIS Logo (IBM)-neg
REST APIs / Web Services
Web services SMPaaS
Smart Publishing as a Service: Green screen revamping and modernization
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Web services AOXaaS
Access Object eXecution as a Service: Screen workflow modernization
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Web services BMSaaS
Basic mapping support (BMS) as a Service: execute BMS files containing IBM 3270 (z/OS) screens’ definition.
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Web services MXi
MXi APIs offer a set of Web Services to access the various functions of an IBM i AS400 server
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RPA/UiPath activities check bleu check bleu